Perform to Win
Do you love your work?
I’m sure you would say YES. But, is it really true?
It is imperative that we are happy at work or happy with our work, not only because we spend a significant part of our life working, but also because it is a source of meaning for many of us and the lessons for our wellbeing.
Therefore, when we work, we must perform to win, which means to be engaged, experience a complete sense of absorption that action and awareness can merge. When we become one with what we do it leads to optimal performance, cognitive and physical. Meaningful, engaging work not only fuels our professional achievements but also contributes to the growth of our organization and creates a sense of fulfilment that echoes across all our personal strivings.
This begins with being satisfied with your job, in other words, work that is engaging, meaningful, related to your values, leveraging your character strengths, involving redesigning of work and healthy work culture.
Secondly, you shift your focus from negative to being grateful for what is positive. Being appreciative at the workplace can lead to deeper connections with not only your colleagues but to the work you’re doing every day.
Moreover, strong decision-making is a valuable skill in any workplace because it empowers employees and leaders to make mindful choices that have the best chance of leading to a favourable outcome. Thus, making decisions using psychological concepts gives you an edge over others.
For every member of an organization, you must be a problem solver. And, problem-solving refers to the mental process that people go through to discover, analyze, and solve problems.
But, before problem-solving can occur, it is important to first understand the exact nature of the problem itself. If your understanding of the issue is faulty, your attempts to resolve it will also be incorrect or flawed. Hence, when you excel in skills like listening, evaluation and communication, you understand the problem and then resolve it rather than discovering the issue while solving it.
Lastly, Teamwork—working with other people to achieve a shared goal—is essential in just about every domain, especially at the workplace. Hence, learning how to work together without conflict is a critical skill that can help almost anyone. Thus, when you understand the psychology of teams by answering these 4 questions, you build a team that works.
Q1. How cohesive is your team?
Ans. The three biggest factors: Trust, respect, and affirmation which make the team cohesive.
Q2. What is the personality mix of your team?
Ans. Create a good blend of the major five personality types.
Q3. How big is your team?
Ans. Learn to shrink your teams and limit choices
Q4. How do your employees experience freedom and responsibility?
Ans. The joy of giving decision-making to all
When you amalgamate qualities of flow at work, gratefulness, decision-making, problem solving and teamwork, everyone will perform to win.