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7 Psychology Tricks That Feel Like Cheat Codes To Use

In the realm of human behavior and interactions, psychology holds a treasure trove of insights that can give you a competitive edge in various situations. These “psychology tricks” can feel like cheat codes, empowering you to understand and influence others subtly and ethically. In this blog, we will explore seven psychology tricks that can feel like cheat codes when used responsibly and respectfully.

1. Chew gum when nervous

Chew gum to ease nervousness by signaling comfort to the brain. The brain associates chewing with safety, making it a common practice in public.  It tricks the brain into feeling safe and comfortable in challenging situations.

2. Pay attention to people’s feet, while approaching them

When approaching a group of individuals who are already in a conversation, pay particular attention to their feet. If they turn their torso toward you but keep their feet in the same place, you are probably interrupting them. If they turn both their body and feet towards you, you are good to be there.

3. Stay calm when someone is angry at you

Fire cannot wipe out a fire. Similarly, your anger cannot calm the other person. It is you who has to stay calm & wait for him to cool down. No matter what he says, only keep listening, and they will feel guilty about it later on!

4. Assume comfort in any situation

Whether you are meeting someone new, or you met him/her just once, Assume that you know them for a long time and be as comfortable as you can. You will be surprised how well it goes. It can even lead people to show interest in you and consequently even like you.

5. Want to hear the complete answer from someone?

If you ever want to hear the complete answer from someone, just keep quiet after they have stopped talking about that particular topic If it goes well, they will start talking about the issue again, within a few minutes.

Research suggests that people might reveal even more details than they were going to, in the first instance.

6. Fake it, till you make it!

You become what you believe. If you think you are handsome, you are! If you believe you have enough confidence, you will be full of confidence, no doubt about it If you want to know more about it, just look up brain rewiring on Google.

7. Refer to people by their names

To most people, their name is one of the sweetest things they can hear. It is not only a good way to remember names, but also a way to make the other individual feel good, as most people like themselves to be called using their name.

Using these psychology tricks can indeed feel like cheat codes, but remember that they should be employed ethically and responsibly. The goal is not to manipulate or deceive others but to better understand human behavior and improve communication. With great power comes great responsibility, and applying these psychological insights should always be done with respect and consideration for others.

Archana Shaktawat