People with an ENFP personality type are often described as enthusiastic, charismatic, charming, energetic, and independent. ENFPs are also creative, so they typically do best in situations where they have the freedom to create and innovate.
ENFP Strengths
- Excellent communicators. ENFPs have outstanding communication skills and they know how to use them.
- Imaginative. ENFPs are imaginative problem solvers and reject the idea that traditional ways are always the best. In every situation they believe an original approach is possible—and desirable—and they refuse to become prisoners of habit or routine.
- Natural leaders. ENFPs step forward to assume positions of leadership readily and instinctively
- Strong social conscience. Often active in social movements, ENFPs stand up for what they believe in without apology. ENFPs believe it is vitally important to back up caring words with good deeds.
ENFP Weaknesses
- Hypersensitivity. ENFPs sometimes let their imaginations run wild and often perceive bad intentions that don’t really exist.
- Lack of focus and follow through. ENFPs are endlessly creative, capable of filling a thousand days with a thousand bold ideas. But they don’t always follow through on their inspirations, and if others are not brought on board to handle the details, their best ideas may never be put into practice.
- Over think things. ENFPs have a tendency to perceive slights, resentments or hostility where none actually exist, and their habit of overanalyzing other people’s behavior can lead to unnecessary anger and conflict
- Overemotional and approval-seeking. While emotional expression is a core part of the ENFP’s identity, they can come on too strong
ENFP Growth and Development
- In order to reach their full potential, ENFPs should:
- Accept the fact that if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck … ENFPs are intuitive and have a sharp eye for detail. They make a mistake, however, when they insist on looking for hidden motivations or covert agendas everywhere
- Take the foot off the accelerator.
- Don’t shirk the “dirty” work. ENFPs don’t always see projects through to the end, preferring to hop from one endeavor to another
- Look inside for validation.
- Find good partners.
The ENFP at Work
The ideal work environment for an ENFP is relaxed and friendly, with few restrictions on creativity. The ideal job for an ENFP allows them to follow their inspiration, satisfy their curiosity, and develop solutions that benefit people in innovative and original ways.
ENFPs in Love
In relationships, the ENFP is warm, encouraging, and emotionally engaged. ENFPs connect with others by sharing their feelings and experiences. They are expressive with their mates and want their mates to share openly with them. ENFPs place great importance on personal development; they encourage their mates to pursue their dreams and want the same encouragement back. On the rare occasion that they object to a mate’s behavior, it’s likely to be because their values have been violated. Although they are quite sensitive, ENFPs can be guarded when it comes to their deepest feelings. They dislike conflict and are likely to withdraw rather than engage in a difficult discussion.
ENFPs as Parents
As parents, ENFPs are creative and devoted. They enjoy creating new experiences for their families and want to inspire their children to grow as individuals. Although they can be very passionate in their ideas about correct behavior, they are not often strong disciplinarians; they value close relationships above all else and may avoid discipline for fear that it will distance them from their children.ENFPs deeply value their role as parents. However, they tire quickly when subjected to mundane chores and demands from their children
ENFP Communication Style
ENFPs are enthusiastic, collaborative communicators who love exploring possibilites for people. They often enjoy getting to know other people and understanding what inspires them, and they are insightful about solutions to personal problems. Highly empathic, the ENFP can find something to identify with in almost every person they meet, and enjoys encouraging other people to develop and grow. ENFPs are typically optimistic and like to talk about opportunities for the future, motivating others to join them in their vision.