People with an ESFJ personality type tend to be outgoing, loyal, organized, and tender-hearted. ESFJs gain energy from interacting with other people.
They are typically described as outgoing and gregarious. They have a way of encouraging other people to be their best and often have a hard time believing anything bad about the people they are close to.
ESFJ Strengths
- Strong practical skills. Good intentions are wonderful, but they don’t mean much unless they’re backed up by a well- organized plan of action.
- Warm and sensitive. With grand and gentle hearts, ESFJs form lasting emotional bonds and make strong empathic connections with others.
- Loyal and dutiful. ESFJs are traditionalists right down to the core. They are concerned with protecting the best parts of the existing social order against the forces of “progress”, and always honor the wisdom of their elders.
- Stand up and be counted. ESFJs aren’t intimidated by challenges and they aren’t willing to just sit by and wait for others to take the lead.
ESFJ Weaknesses
- Rigid and judgmental. While they are tolerant in general, ESFJs don’t approach the world with a completely open mind.
- Reluctant to improvise. ESFJs have a lot or respect for rules, laws, regulations and traditional codes of conduct—a world without shoulds and shouldn’ts and dos and don’ts would be unsustainable and chaotic to the traditionalist ESFJ
- Neediness. ESFJs have a strong need to be noticed, acknowledged and appreciated, and they want others to see them as helpful, trustworthy and virtuous
- Lack of creative thinking. Too often, ESFJs are so focused on the here and now they miss opportunities for growth and improvement that are staring them right in the fac
ESFJ Growth and Development
In order to reach their full potential, ESFJs should:
- Get some emotional separation.
- Practice “letting go”.
- Remember that no one can please all of the people all of the time.
- Practice solo hobbies.
- Learn a little more about how rules, laws, regulations and traditions actually came into being.
The ESFJ at Work
ESFJs like to put their interpersonal skills to work to organize people and processes. ESFJs often prefer work that allows them to help people in practical, observable ways. ESFJs enjoy work that allows them to follow through and see results, and prefer a high degree of structure and organization. They gain satisfaction from completing tasks with attention to order and detail. An ideal job for an ESFJ requires attention to procedure and specifications, and allows the ESFJ to work methodically to organize people and processes. ESFJs usually prefer to work with others, and are energized by participating in a motivated, conscientious, action-oriented team.
ESFJs in Love
In relationships, the ESFJ is supportive, nurturing, and reliable. ESFJs concern themselves with providing practical support to their partners and living up to traditional standards in a relationship: they want to be the “good wife” or husband based on traditional ideals. ESFJs like an organized life and want their partners to participate in a structured, scheduled lifestyle. They adhere strictly to their own moral code, and want a partner who agrees with them on issues of right and wrong, should and should not. Conscientiousness is important to the ESFJ, and when they follow through responsibly on their promises, they expect the same from others. ESFJs dislike conflict and are motivated to resolve it quickly. ESFJs appreciate a partner who notices their efforts to provide for their families, and commends them on a job well done.
ESFJs as Parents
As parents, ESFJs provide clear structure and loving boundaries. They are interested in providing a safe and stable home with adequate resources, and in instilling a strong moral code and work ethic into their children. They are extremely devoted to their children, and go to tremendous lengths to be sure they are provided for. ESFJs may become embarrassed and critical of children who do not behave as expected; they want their children to adopt and follow their own strong system of values.
ESFJ Communication Style
ESFJs are enthusiastic and caring communicators, who want to engage people to contribute and accomplish what needs to be done. They tend to be friendly and to get along easily with others, although they can become frustrated with those who do not respond to their attempts to reach out. They have a good memory for detail, especially facts about other people, and enjoy getting to know people and understanding their needs.