People with the ESTP personality type are frequently described as outgoing, action-oriented, and dramatic. ESTPs—also known as Entrepreneurs and Dynamos— are outgoing and enjoy spending time with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. They are interested in the here and now and are more likely to focus on details than take a broader view of things
ESTP Strengths
- Can-do attitude. No one will ever call an ESTP lazy or uncertain, and this very self-assured, can-do approach to life and work is certainly a strength.
- Bold. ESTPs also abound in a mental toughness and sense of competition that make them relentless in pursuing what they are after.
- Personable and sociable. ESTPs are people-focused and get along well with just about anyone. They are observant and perceptive, and they read people well
- Direct. ESTPs are efficient, matter of fact, direct and to the point. They don’t mince words or want to spend a lot of time hemming and hawing
ESTP Weaknesses
- Judgmental. While ESTPs’ powers of perception and observation are often seen as strengths, it may also mean they are quick to prejudge situations and people, and to categorize them based upon initial perceptions.
- Impatient. Because ESTPs are quick thinkers and doers, they easily become impatient with those who process at a slower pace than they do, who lack their capacity for common sense or street smarts or who tend to be more sensitive or emotional
- Unstructured. People of this type tend to live in a state of urgency and emergency because they do very little advance planning.
- Commitment phobic. ESTPs hate to be bored and want life to always be new, stimulating and interesting.
ESTP Growth and Development
In order to reach their full potential, ESTPs should:
- Look inward. ESTPs will benefit from taking time for self-reflection and introspection, Consider the consequences. ESTPs are natural risk takers, prone to pursue adventure
- Think ahead.
- Follow through. Constant living and responding in the moment can impede follow through
- Check the rulebook. ESTPs naturally follow their own plans, systems and internal codes.
The ESTP at Work
At work, the ESTP is motivated to solve logical problems in the moment. ESTPs have a solid grasp of the concrete realities of a situation and a good sense of the resources at their disposal. The ESTP relies on past experience to choose the best approach for the situation at hand. ESTPs are concrete and hands-on, and have a kinetic sense of how things work. ESTPs often choose careers that take advantage of their athleticism, their mechanical skills, or their ability to negotiate their physical surroundings. They tend to prefer objects to ideas and often like a tangible product. ESTPs like a job that is a bit unpredictable, and offers them some fun and adventure throughout the workday
ESTPs in Love
In relationships, the ESTP is fun-loving and pragmatic. Hedonistic and flirtatious, ESTP partners tend to keep things exciting. They are often pursuing adventure and like a playmate who will come along for the ride. ESTPs tend to have little patience for serious discussions or emotional exploration, preferring to keep things fun and action-packed. They tend to be attentive to their partners’ physical needs, but may neglect the deeper emotional connections.
ESTPs are enthusiastic and reasonable problem-solvers. However, their orientation toward quick thinking may lead them to try to apply a solution before they fully understand the issues involved in a conflict, especially when complex and difficult emotions are involved.
ESTPs as Parents
As parents, ESTPs often connect with their children through a shared appreciation for activity and spontaneity. ESTPs are often as interested and curious about the world as their children are, and will encourage their children to engage physically and take risks. ESTP parents are less patient with timid or sensitive children, and may want their children to be hardy and thick-skinned. They may not have much interest in quiet moments or emotional discussions. They enjoy seeing their children succeed, especially in athletic or competitive pursuits, and will often play the role of enthusiastic coach.
ESTP Communication Style
ESTPs tend to be persuasive, energetic communicators. They quickly observe the realities of the present situation and engage others to take action on practical problems. Many ESTPs speak very freely, and can be blunt and impatient in getting their message across. They may not want to wait for someone else to buy in before they can act. The ESTP may come off as charming, and many ESTPs are masters at negotiating with others so that they can achieve their goals in the most efficient way possible.